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Our Vision

Centerbranch Academy is a classroom environment that partners with parents to provide solid core instruction for students in PreK, up through the 9th grade. 


We focus on core subjects three days a week from 9am to 2pm, and in so doing, parents are free to incorporate supplemental education on subjects that appeal to their individual child. 


At the Academy, children get the benefit of having focused education time with peers, without unnecessary restrictions. Families here know that their children are being taught traditional Biblical values, free of political agendas.


Centerbranch Academy combines the more flexible schedule of homeschool, while also providing a consistent forum for quality group instruction.


We are reimagining how education looks.


It's not the traditional five days a week model, but it's also not completely home-education. By combining the best aspects of both models, we feel that we can provide a better education and lifestyle for families.


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